Ava DuVernay Barbie!

ava-duvernay-barbie-doll-standing1This is so cool, I think I will get one for myself.

Sunday night, filmmaker Ava DuVernay and Mattel, the brand that makes Barbie, announced on Twitter that the doll made in the likeness of the Selma director (@AVAETC) would be available the next morning. No less than a few hours into Monday and the Ava DuVernay Barbie Doll, $65, was sold out on the site TheBarbieCollection.com.

“Tomorrow this #AvaBarbie goes on sale for Christmas because enough folks asked @Mattel to do so. Wild + wonderful,” she (@AVAETC) tweeted.

Posted up in her director’s chair, the Ava doll wears a black turtleneck and jeans with red and white sneakers. And fans were buying them up, possibly for kids, but for themselves too. The DuVernay – like other dolls based on public figures – are generally targeted to collectors and adults.

re-post: http://madamenoire.com/602962/ava-duvernay-barbie-doll-sells-out-in-just-hours-coming-to-amazon-com-soon/

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